Pterjium Tedavisinde Fibrin Yapıştırıcı.

ilker Bicer Katarakt, Kornea, Kuru Göz Sendromu

Otogreftli Pterjium cerrahisinde doku yapıştırıcısı kullanımının dikişli yönteme göre 17 dakika daha kısa sürdüğü ve tekrarlama riskini belirgin derecede azalttığı bulunmuştur. Meta-analysis shows superiority of fibrin glue over suture in pterygium surgery
This meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials involving a total of 342 participants (366 eyes) found that the fibrin glue procedure for conjunctival autografting in pterygium surgery was about 17 minutes shorter than suture operation, and showed a significantly reduced recurrence rate. The authors conclude that the similar low complication rate between the two procedures suggests a comparable safety profile. While calling for an analysis of its cost-effectiveness, they say ophthalmologists should consider using fibrin glue in pterygium surgery. Ophthalmology, June 2011. Read More